Naked Yoga in Fort Lauderdale

naked yoga in Fort Lauderdale

Naked Yoga-Relax and really enjoy your yoga practice. Naked Yoga is great for beginners and challenging enough for those with experience. The pace is slow and steady emphasizing correct posture to align, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body. Yoga is breath, so breathing is an important part of this practice. Asanas are simple with a seamless flow and time for thought. Our goal is relaxation through a full range of motion with standing postures, twists, backbends, forward folds, and hip openers. We embrace clarity and sincerity on our journey together.

We practice Ahimsa, compassion to and across all living things. We can be mindful to act with kindness toward others and to cultivate empathy for all living things. We direct this practice toward ourselves through daily self-care and being conscious of any negative self-talk we may have. In our yoga practice, ahimsa can is practiced by accepting ourselves where we are in our practice. We do not try to push ourselves past our body’s capabilities.

Men’s Naked Yoga is at 2000 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Unit 110. Our venue has free parking behind the building. Simply turn right on 20th Avenue from Oakland Park Blvd. We have plenty of room in the parking lot and room for 20 in the studio.
Please RSVP if you plan to come.
I do a nice easy beginner’s class. Whether you have done yoga before or not, this class is right for you. It is a great way to get naked, get some exercise, and get to know new people.
I am looking forward to seeing you at our class on Sundays at 10 am. More classes and workshops will be announced soon. Classes start promptly at the hour and the door is locked when the class starts, so please come early to get your place in class.
Please RSVP if you plan to come.
Get naked and enjoy a great yoga class. The cost is $15 for on class or 4 classes for $40. Pay Venmo@MensYoga or use my phone number.